Williamson County Animal Center Volunteer
Ongoing opportunity
|Williamson County Animal Center
Williamson County Animal Center is a public, open-intake shelter that receives about 3,500 domestic animals annually and has a 96% live release rate. Our state-of-the-art services are designed to offer the animals we care for and our community members the best experience a shelter can provide.

Time & Location
Ongoing opportunity
Williamson County Animal Center, 1006 Grigsby Hayes Ct, Franklin, TN 37064, USA
About the Event
**RSVP-ing "Yes" does not confirm your spot at this opportunity - it just tells VolunTeens that you are interested and plan on attending.** As a volunteer, you can choose to work with cats or dogs or volunteer with the Pawsabilities program. You will be expected to maintain a certain level of time commitment that will be explained to you in detail during orientation. Volunteer hours from the cat or dog program may not be used for scholastic purposes unless the student demonstrates a level of commitment to the center by performing a minimum of 16 hours each semester. WCAC staff will not sign documents for students who do not demonstrate commitment, however, you are welcome to self-report the hours for your résumé, college application, or other purposes. For more information, please visit WCAC’s volunteer page linked HERE.